Adhesion of type A Pasteurella mulocida to rabbit pharyngeal cells

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Adhesion of type A Pasteurella mulocida to rabbit pharyngeal cells
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How to Sex a Rabbit

How to Sex a Rabbit
Apart from the sex organs there is generally little differencebetween the appearance of the sexes, although the buck isusually the smaller of the two and often has a broader head.In the very young rabbit, the difference in the sex organs is soslight as to be difficult for the novice to determine.
Given good light and preferably a watch-maker's glass, thesex of animals a day or two old can be determined. This maybe important when one sex is particularly desired and when thelitters are being reduced in size. The baby rabbit should beheld in the left hand with the head towards the wrist. It isnecessary to hold the animal gently but firmly to stop itwriggling. The tail is held back with the index finger of theleft hand and gentle pressure exerted with both thumbs on eitherside of the sexual organ, when the pinkish mucous membraneswill be exposed. In the buck the organ which will protrudeslightly appears as a rounded tip, whilst in the doe the organappears slit like and will slope slightly downwards towards theanus. In the buck a pair of reddish brown specks will befound near the vent, and the distance between the anus and theorgan is slightly longer than that found in the doe. Theappearance of nipple spots is found at this age in either sex andtherefore has no significance.
At weaning or later, the appearance of the buck's organ iscircular, and the doe's organ is V-shaped. At this age andlater it is easiest to sex by balancing the animal (in the right orleft hand, this being held under the rump) with the middlefinger holding down the tail. The index finger and thumbcan then be used to evert the organ. At a still later age thepenis of the buck can be easily obtruded, and scrotal sacswill also usually be visible

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